Hard Water Meets Envirox

Got hard water deposits on a sink or drinking fountain? It’s easier and less toxic than you think to get rid of them. Check out this quick tutorial video I made about Mineral Shock by Envirox. Mineral Shock is one of my favorite niche products to use in...
Floor Pad Selection

Floor Pad Selection

There are a lot of floor pad options out there, and the manufacturers want to sell you about a dozen different types. Just google “floor pad chart” and you’ll see what I mean. Certainly, each floor pad may have a niche in mind, but I’d like to...
TACT-ful cleaning

TACT-ful cleaning

Ever been stuck on a tough cleaning task? About to throw in the towel? Well, there is a little memory device that might be helpful – T.A.C.T.! Using the example of washing dishes, let’s see how the variable of Time, Agitation, Chemical and Temperature can...

The Cost-Savings Struggle is Real…

I wanted to share some information here that I share on my face-to-face calls as often as possible. If you are in the commercial cleaning world at all, you have probably noticed the rapidly increasing costs of goods. Much of this is because of transportation costs,...
What Chemicals do I need?

What Chemicals do I need?

If you were recently put in charge of cleaning a school, church or office building, choosing your cleaning supplies can be daunting! What should you choose? How much money should supplies cost? How much equipment will you need? How much time should a task take?...