Floor Pad Selection

Floor Pad Selection

There are a lot of floor pad options out there, and the manufacturers want to sell you about a dozen different types. Just google “floor pad chart” and you’ll see what I mean. Certainly, each floor pad may have a niche in mind, but I’d like to...
What Chemicals do I need?

What Chemicals do I need?

If you were recently put in charge of cleaning a school, church or office building, choosing your cleaning supplies can be daunting! What should you choose? How much money should supplies cost? How much equipment will you need? How much time should a task take?...
A Few of My Favorite Things…

A Few of My Favorite Things…

Excited to have this awesome lineup under trial at a local health food store chain. Envirox is simple enough to just use at home but also powerful enough to cut through commercial level dirt and grime. Plus, it’s a virucide/sanitizer. 95% of your cleaning...