Hard Water Meets Envirox

Got hard water deposits on a sink or drinking fountain? It’s easier and less toxic than you think to get rid of them. Check out this quick tutorial video I made about Mineral Shock by Envirox. Mineral Shock is one of my favorite niche products to use in...
When Lightning Strikes Twice

When Lightning Strikes Twice

Will lightning strike twice this week at your place? It did at my oil change spot. This is the second metal shaving the tech has cut himself this week on his rented shop rags. He has the butterfly bandage to prove it. What’s going on in your own facility? Have...
The Eagle Has Landed?

The Eagle Has Landed?

It’s no secret that I spend time in a lot of restrooms, but am I also starting to lose my mind? I am starting to see art in the walls. What is the strangest thing you’ve seen in the patterns of paint, the clouds, the ceiling tiles?