Chris Peters

The Toilet Titan

Call Up the Heavy Hitter in Clean!

Grime Fighters to the Rescue!

Stories from the World of Cleaning

Cleaning Supply and Labor Cost Estimator

Make sure you have a proper budget in place by exploring costs with our cleaning supply and labor cost estimator.

Helping You Achieve Success

Ever wonder why cleaning companies and suppliers make the cleaning world complicated? Even at the store, toilet paper math is on par with advanced calculus! You won’t find that silliness here. I am a straight shooter with several years of experience partnering with facility managers and those tasked with cleaning the buildings we work and study in. I want to make things as easy to understand as possible so you can get to the real work – making your buildings as clean and healthy as possible, directly impacting morale and health in the process. Won’t you join me in the journey? Read some of my latest capers and cleaning adventures, use the cost calculator, and be a part of a supportive community that’s out to make our corners of the world a little brighter.

Setting a cleaning budget to keep up with growth?

Need a straight answer about dispensers and why nothing seems to fit right?

Looking for a way to clean faster and with less "elbow grease"?

Deciding whether to clean in house or hire an outside company?


Floor Pad Selection

There are a lot of floor pad options out there, and the manufacturers want to sell you about a dozen different types. Just google "floor pad chart" and you'll see what I mean. Certainly, each floor pad may have a niche in mind, but I'd like to share the 4 common floor...

TACT-ful cleaning

Ever been stuck on a tough cleaning task? About to throw in the towel? Well, there is a little memory device that might be helpful - T.A.C.T.! Using the example of washing dishes, let's see how the variable of Time, Agitation, Chemical and Temperature can be harnessed...

Finding your Tribe – What Networking Works?

Finding the right networking tribe had been the hardest part of my sales career. After spending over $1000 searching, here is what I have found: Chambers of commerce have introduced me to some of the nicest people in various towns, but have netted about zero $ in...

Hard Water Meets Envirox

Got hard water deposits on a sink or drinking fountain? It's easier and less toxic than you think to get rid of them. Check out this quick tutorial video I made about Mineral Shock by Envirox. Mineral Shock is one of my favorite niche products to use in educational or...

When Lightning Strikes Twice

Will lightning strike twice this week at your place? It did at my oil change spot. This is the second metal shaving the tech has cut himself this week on his rented shop rags. He has the butterfly bandage to prove it. What's going on in your own facility? Have you...

The Cost-Savings Struggle is Real…

I wanted to share some information here that I share on my face-to-face calls as often as possible. If you are in the commercial cleaning world at all, you have probably noticed the rapidly increasing costs of goods. Much of this is because of transportation costs,...

What Chemicals do I need?

If you were recently put in charge of cleaning a school, church or office building, choosing your cleaning supplies can be daunting! What should you choose? How much money should supplies cost? How much equipment will you need? How much time should a task take? I'm...

Bathroom and Drain Odors – They Really Stink!

Even a regularly cleaned restroom or storage room can house the nastiest odors. Drains, toilets, and even trash cans can emanate disgusting smells. But once the odors get established, how do you get rid of them? Microbial/Enzymatic Options: There are many microbial or...

Industrial Hand Scrub – Time to Clean up and head home!

Having started out in the industrial fluid process industry, I will always have a soft spot for manufacturing, warehouses and the folks that get stuff done. Enjoyed upgrading this facility to a Gojo Multi-lime hand scrub today, just in time for the lunch bell....

Friday Funnies – Sales Tips from The Princess Bride

Not only is The Princess Bride one of the classics for us 80's/90's kids, but it apparently can teach us a lot about sales... See my complete face-swapping shenanigans here: Everyone. EVERYONE...

Clients Helped

4 Mil+ Square Ft. Cleaned

Cleaning Robots Deployed

Labor Hours Saved

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“Chris is foremost an incredible human being. He strives to do his best in everything, whether it is family, work or community. I’ve had the privilege to work with and furthermore become friends with Chris over the past three years. He is a rare, authentic, no agenda sales consultant…”  – Mike W.

“In my frequent interaction with Chris, I have been very impressed with him as a person as well as his oversll business acumen…Chris possesses a unique ability to get to a deep level with customers quickly which allows him to operate on a consultative basis… he is genuinely concerned with the well being of others.” – Danny C.

“He has found the balance between a love for academia and learning with a true affiliation for practical business engagement. Chris is the genuine article and is quote literally, the definition of an Eagle Scout!” – Jim H.

Proper Cleaning Budgets Are Important. Let’s Plug Some Numbers And Get You Started.

Folks everywhere are caught in a tough situation – limited resources combined with an unprecedented need to clean buildings with health in mind.

Many great questions come up, such as:

  • What should a cleaning budget include?
  • How fast can my building be cleaned?
  • How do I adjust my budget as we grow?
  • Should I hire a cleaning company or bring in our own custodians?

Let’s work through some of the main aspects of budgeting together!

You don’t have to go on this cleaning journey alone. Let’s chat.

The Toilet Titan - Chris Peters

(405) 880-1621

Reach Out